Alcoholism has managed to turn from a chronic disease into a dangerous social problem. Many people do not take the desire for alcohol seriously, considering it a common bad habit that can be overcome with a simple effort of will. In fact, the opportunity to return to normality andfull lifeappears only after completion of all stages of complex therapy. It is not possible to overcome the disease itself; you should seek qualified help for drug treatment.
Stages of treatment
The first thing to do when dealing with alcohol addiction is to admit that there is a problem and tovoluntary consentfor complex treatment. Forced therapy is prohibited, as well as any provision of medical assistance to a person against his will.
Then the alcoholic must go through the following stages:
- Cleansing the body of alcohol toxins.
- Comprehensive diagnostics.
- Medicinal or non-medicinal coding.
- Psychological rehabilitation.
- Social adjustment.
After successfully overcoming each of these stages, the patient will have a chance to completely get rid of the addiction.
Folk remedies
At every stage, you must strictly follow the advice and recommendations of doctors. However, there are many families who prefer not to go to the clinic, relying on their own strength.
There are many folk remedies that promise to help cure long-term alcohol cravings. As a rule, they are based on adding ingredients to food that are incompatible with alcohol. They provokeserious deteriorationwell-being, pushing a person to the decision to quit drinking. In most cases, during such treatment they aim to cause:
- headache;
- gagging;
- loss of strength and general fatigue.
When a patient begins to regularly experience a terrible physical and psychological state of depression after drinking alcohol, it prompts the body to give up alcohol. There are several medicinal plants that are used for these purposes.
An infusion of the roots should be added to soft drinks or food. The patientwill feel nothing. If you drink after that, the patient begins to experience nausea, which turns into vomiting, and the aversion to alcohol increases significantly after that.
It is recommended to prepare the decoction, which is called "helebor water", as follows:
- Finely chop a teaspoon of dollop root.
- Pour 50 ml of boiling water.
- Leave it for an hour.
- strain.
- Dilute 1 to 1 with boiled water.
Each time you need to create a new infusion. At first, add no more than two drops to food or drink, gradually increasing the dose.be careful, this is a poisonous plant, so you should not add more than five drops at a time. If such treatment does not give results within a week, you should look for another method, since the poison can accumulate in the body, which will also be dangerous.
Eternal grass
You should use the roots and leaves of the coffin. Take into account the health condition of the alcoholic, since the decoction contains toxic substances, you should not be mistaken with the dose. It is prepared according to the following recipe:
- Pour a tablespoon of chopped root and leaves into a glass of water.
- Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Boil for no more than 30 minutes on low heat.
- Cold.
- strain.
The decoction should be added at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of strong alcohol. If the patient's weight is up to 60 kg, the dose should be reduced to one teaspoon.
Dung fungus
If this mushroom is introduced into the food of an alcoholic, he will also want to stop drinking. But, unlike the previous options, you will have to spendmuch biggertime - from one to three months. First you need to collect mushrooms from the garbage; they grow in large quantities in the forest. They are also sold in pharmacies in the herbal section. The daily dose should not exceed two grams in order not to harm the patient's body.
As a person moves away from the urge to drink,it's worth giving upfrom scandals and conflicts, stop scolding a relative because he constantly drinks. You can even offer him a drink instead. The first results can be achieved after a few weeks, when a person begins to give up alcohol on his own. But you can't stop there; treatment should be continued to consolidate the effect. To give a fertilizer mushroom to an alcoholic, you need to prepare it:
- Chop the mushrooms whole.
- Fry in a pan until the water evaporates completely.
- Cool the resulting mass of mushrooms.
- Dry.
- Grind it into powder.
The dung mushroom in this state does not smell at all, so the alcoholic will not suspect anything.
The options listed include treating alcoholism without the patient's knowledge. This is an advantage when it is not possible to force the addict to go to treatment. But at the same time, the effectiveness of mandatory treatmentlow: Until the patient sincerely wants to get rid of alcohol addiction, the likelihood of relapse will be high.
However, folk remedies do not always help qualitatively, especially in the chronic stage. THERErisk of deteriorationchronic illness in an alcoholic relative, which he and his loved ones cannot even suspect. Because of this, his condition can deteriorate significantly, and there is even a risk of death. Therefore, if you have alcoholism, it is better not to take risks, but to go to a drug treatment clinic for help.

Reasons to drink alcohol
To solve the problem of alcohol addiction,must knowwhy the person started drinking. Often eliminating the root cause will correct the situation. If he doesn't even stop drinking after that, he will feel motivated to get rid of his alcohol addiction.
The causes of alcoholism are divided into three groups:
- social;
- physiological;
- psychological.
In most cases, addiction is not caused by one reason, but by a combination of several reasons. Social causes of addictionstays in the family. Many children from a young age watch their parents drink, starting to believe that this is the norm. Even when a mother or father begins to behave inappropriately in a drunken state, in the mind of the child this also does not contradict the norm. As a result, when the child grows up, he reproduces this behavior. In dysfunctional families, parents themselves introduce their children to alcohol in adolescence.
Physiological causes of addiction play a major role.The most common– brain diseases and poor heredity. Bad genes are found in almost all children born to addicted mothers. And if only the father drinks, the child is five times more likely to become addicted to alcohol than a teenager who grows up in a healthy family. In addition to physiological reasons, the unfavorable social environment in which the children of alcoholics grow up must also be taken into account. Among the psychological diseases that provoke addiction are:
- neuroses;
- schizophrenia;
- depression.
Strokes, various injuries and surgical interventions can provoke the desire for alcohol. Due to these factors, a person becomes more vulnerable to alcohol and psychotropic drugs, being quickly affected by them.
From a psychological point of view, conscious drinking isthe desire to hidefrom the surrounding reality, which categorically does not suit a person. Alcohol brings relief, but only at first, helping to relax and temporarily forget the difficulties that have arisen. Because of this, it is often chosen by people who face:
- loneliness;
- lack of recognition of one's successes and talents;
- isolation;
- lack of communication;
- irregular life.
Often these conditions cause dissatisfaction with the whole surrounding society, a constant feeling of anxiety, insecurity and personal inferiority. Alcohol becomes a relaxant. But this cannot continue for long. Everything comes to an endthe formation of addiction, the patient himself and his environment must do something urgently so that the disease does not lead to catastrophic consequences.
How to define addiction
Without exception, everyone close to an addict faces a situation in which hethe person deniesthe existence of a problem. Moreover, he can honestly believe that everything is really fine with him, if he just wants to, he will immediately stop drinking. In reality it is not so.
When a physical desire for alcoholic beverages develops, ethanol toxins are gradually deposited in internal tissues and organs and participate in the metabolic process. Because of this, the patient, after drinking alcohol the day before, does not experience a hangover the next morning, but a withdrawal syndrome that occurs due to a strong drop in the level of ethanol in the body. There is only one way to eliminate its unpleasant and even painful symptoms - drink again. The patient entersvicious circle, a binge develops, from which it is almost impossible to get out without medical help.
Alcohol addiction can also be determined by the following symptoms:
- No vomiting reaction even when drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities.
- If a person starts drinking, he does not stop until he is physically able to continue.
- The exterioralcohol amnesia- It is impossible to remember what happened the day before.
- The need to drink again in the morning to relieve the painful physical and psychological symptoms of addiction.
- The appearance of pleasures, which each time become heavier and longer.
- A person cannot stop drinking, even if important meetings and urgent matters await him.
If these signs appear, you should contact a professional narcologist, as it is almost impossible to deal with alcohol addiction at home.
It is necessary to start the fight against alcohol cravings by cleansing the body of ethanol toxins and their breakdown products. This will happen naturally if you completely stop drinking for at least a week. But with chronic addiction, the patient simply cannot afford such a period without alcohol.
Then drug detoxification is carried out. The patient is given a drip with drugs in the form of solutions, which immediately enter the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and begin to act. The same method is used when requiredemergency clearance, for example, when a patient is admitted to a clinic in a drunken state, or when recovering from a binge. If the patient is intoxicated, using a dropper can:
- Remove ethanol and its breakdown products from the blood within a few hours.
- Stabilize the psychological state so that the patient has a restful sleep.
- Replenish the lack of nutrients and microelements.
- Start the restoration processes in the body.
After that, you can move on to the next stage.

It is possible to achieve results in the fight against alcohol addiction if you usepersonal approachfor any alcoholic. This requires a comprehensive diagnosis to determine:
- stage and duration of the disease;
- what kind of alcohol the person preferred, in what quantity;
- general condition of the body;
- physiological and psychological characteristics of the body;
- allergic reactions, possible side effects, intolerance to individual drug components.
Having received a complete picture of the patient's condition, the narcologist determines what methods and drugs will bemore effective, while being safe for humans.
Coding for alcoholism
This is the next stage of dealing with alcohol addiction. According to reviews and forum posts, drug coding using drugs based on tetraethylthioperoxycarbodiamide effectively helps to stop drinking. However, this method has many side effects; you must make sure that the patient has no contraindications to using these tools.
The action of tetraethylthioperoxycarbodiamide is to block liver enzymes that break down alcohol toxins that are toxic to humans insafe substances, which are then freely excreted from the body. If the enzymes don't work and a coded alcoholic takes the risk to drink, all the alcohol will end up in the blood at once. This will provoke severe intoxication with the following symptoms:
- high blood pressure;
- heating;
- a feeling of approaching death that causes panic;
- arrhythmia;
- depression of the respiratory centers;
- tremors;
- pain;
- auditory and visual hallucinations.
The patient must be given an antidote urgently, otherwise death may occur. The effectiveness of this method is that the patient not only begins to experience an aversion to alcohol, he also develops onepsychological barrier. An alcoholic begins to panic for his life, as he realizes that just one drink can lead to death. After such coding, you should be careful to exclude not only alcohol, but also all medications that contain alcohol.
A less radical method of drug coding is the use of drugs based on a substance used in the treatment of opioid addicts. This substance blocks brain receptors responsible for pleasure and feelings of euphoria. If the encoded person breaks down, he will simply not feel anything, so he will decide to give up alcohol, at least for the duration of the encoding. This time should be enough for doctors to carry out complete psychological rehabilitation, after which the person will be able to finally get rid of the desire for alcohol and return to a normal and full life.
If an alcoholic has contraindications or does not want to take powerful drugs that have side effects, choosesofternon-drug coding methods. For example, hypnotherapy. In this case, no medications are used and the patient is simply immersed in hypnosis, giving instructions to give up alcohol and lead a sober lifestyle. It is possible to achieve results in several sessions.
Psychological rehabilitation
With the help of coding, it is possible to overcome physical cravings for alcohol; to cope with psychological addiction, you must undergo a rehabilitation course at a drug treatment center in the hospital. Private clinics offer the possibility of anonymous hospitalization, take care of the confidentiality of their patients.
Diagnostic results also help to understand which techniques will work best with a drug addict. There are many options:
- group and individual psychological trainings;
- 12-step program;
- art therapy;
- Top Day Program;
- occupational therapy;
- therapeutic communities.
The duration of rehabilitation varies from several monthsup to one year. It all depends on how severe the patient's addiction is, how much he himself wants to give up drinking.
Social adjustment
Then, it is recommended to prepare for a return to normal life by undergoing social adaptation. The work includes psychologists who solve the following tasks:
- They teach the patient to make new acquaintances, since alcoholics often completely lose the ability to socialize in society during their periods of drinking and subsequent treatment.
- They are working to restore family relationships, family psychotherapy contributes to this.
- They prepare a person for employment; this is an important condition for successful socialization.
- They help you find new hobbies and teach you how to relax and unwind without drinking alcohol.
Another important result of this work isestablishing the causeswhich led to alcohol addiction. It is important for a psychologist to teach the patient to cope with the stress and difficulties of life without starting to reach for a drink every time. After discharge from the hospital, all patients are provided with post-rehabilitation support. They can seek psychological help at any time, as soon as they feel that they may relapse again.
Advantages of treatment in a private drug treatment clinic
When you treat alcohol addiction in a paid center to combat alcoholism and drug addiction, all patients and their relatives are guaranteed:
- Anonymity- the patient is not registered in the drug clinic, as is done in state clinics. Thanks to this, a person does not end up in the databases of various government bodies and in the future there will be no problems, for example, with obtaining a license or finding employment in the civil service.
- If the alcoholic's condition allows, he is provided with outpatient drug treatment so that he remains in a psychologically comfortable home environment.
- When they call narcologists to your home, they respect the confidentiality of their client. To do this, they come without a uniform and in a car without identification marks, so that no one will suspect that your family has faced such an embarrassing problem.
- When admitted to a hospital department, each patient is insuredcomfortable roomwith everything you need. Patients are provided with a balanced diet to accelerate the process of restoration of internal organs and systems.
- In their work, narcologists use only proven and safe drugs and effective methods that have proven their effectiveness.
- It is possible to regularly achieve good results thanks to an integrated approach. Treatment is carried out taking into account the state of alcohol dependence.
More information about prices, services and conditions of therapy can be found by calling a drug treatment clinic or at a free preliminary consultation.